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Poddavsnitt: "Hur vet man om organisationen mår bra?"

I "Vad Vi Vets" podd om företagande, berättar Theresia Olsson Neve om hur man vet om ens organisation mår bra och hur man ser till att den funkar som den ska. Intervjuad av Per Grankvist.

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Vetenskapliga publikationer


Is there a blast radius of workplace bullying? Ripple effects on witnesses and non-witnesses

Rosander, M., & Nielsen, M. B. (2024).

Current Psychology. 43(14), 12365–12379.

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Role ambiguity as an antecedent to workplace bullying: Hostile work climate and supportive leadership as intermediate factors

Blomberg, S., Rosander, M., & Einarsen, S. V. (2024).

Scandinavian Journal of Management, 40(2), 101328.

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Witnessing workplace bullying – A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual health and well-being outcomes

Nielsen, M. B., Einarsen, S. V., Parveen, S., & Rosander, M. (2024).

Aggression and Violent Behavior, 75, 101908.

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Psychometric properties and cut-off scores for the Swedish version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire: The full scale and short version

Rosander, M., Blomberg, S., & Einarsen, S. V. (2024).

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.

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Workplace bullying in a group context: Are victim reports of working conditions representative for others at the workplace?

Rosander, M., & Nielsen, M. B. (2023).

Accepted for publication in Work & Stress on 13 October 2023.

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Witnessing workplace bullying — protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual health and well-being outcomes

Nielsen, M. B., Rosander, M., & Einarsen, S. V. (2023).

Systematic Reviews, 12(1), 119.

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Perceived ability to defend oneself against negative treatment at work: Gender differences and different types of bullying behaviours.

Rosander, M., & Nielsen, M. B. (2023).

Applied Psychology, 72(4), 1430–1448.

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Workplace bullying and mental health problems in balanced and gender-dominated workplaces.

Rosander, M., Hetland, J., & Einarsen, S. V. (2023).

Work & Stress, 37(3), 325–344.

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Könsperspektiv på mobbning i svenskt arbetslivet.

Rosander, M. (2023).

I H. Sandmarks (Ed.), Ett hälsofrämjande arbetsliv? Utmaningar och möjligheter (pp. 81–107). Studentlitteratur.

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A hostile work climate and workplace bullying: Reciprocal effects and gender differences.

Rosander, M. & Salin, D. (2023).

Employee Relations, 45(7), 46–61.

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When the going gets tough and the environment is rough: The role of departmental level hostile work climate in the relationships between job stressors and workplace bullying.

Zahlquist, L., Hetland, J., Notelaers, G., Rosander, M., & Einarsen, S. V. (2023).

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 4464.

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Witnessing bullying at work: Inactivity and the risk of becoming the next target.

Rosander, M. & Nielsen, M. B. (2023).

Psychology of Violence, 13(1), 34–42.

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Beware of Non-Supportive Leaders: Moderating Effects of Supportive Leadership on the Risks and Effects of Workplace Bullying.

Blomberg, S. (2022). Thesis.

Linköping University Press.

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Workplace bullying of immigrants working in Sweden.

Rosander, M. & Blomberg, S. (2022).

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(14), 2914–2938.

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When do poor health increase the risk of subsequent workplace bullying? The dangers of low or absent leadership support.

Blomberg, S. & Rosander, M. (2022).

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31(4), 485–495.

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Workplace bullying and tiredness at work: A cross-lagged prospective study of causal directions and the moderating effects of a conflict management climate.

Rosander, M., & Nielsen, M. B. (2022).

Journal of Occupational Health, 64(1), e12327.

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The last resort: Workplace bullying and the consequences of changing jobs.

Rosander, M., Salin, D., & Blomberg, S. (2022).

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 63(3), 124–135.

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Mental health problems as a risk factor for workplace bullying: The protective effect of a well-functioning organization.

Rosander, M. (2021).

Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 65(9), 1096–1106.

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Killing two birds with one stone: How intervening when witnessing bullying at the workplace may help both target and the acting observer.

Nielsen, M. B., Rosander, M., Blomberg, S., & Einarsen, S. V. (2021).

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 94(2), 261–273.

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Gender matters: Workplace bullying, gender, and mental health.

Rosander, M., Salin, D., Viita, L., & Blomberg, S. (2020).

Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 560178.

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Exposure to bullying behaviours and support from co‐workers and supervisors: a three way interaction and the effect on health and well being.

Blomberg, S. & Rosander, M. (2020).

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 93(4), 479–490.

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Levels of workplace bullying and escalation – a new conceptual model based on cut-off scores, frequency and self-labelled victimization.

Rosander, M., & Blomberg, S. (2019).

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(6), 769-783.

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